Mastering proper weight lifting technique

Learn the essential steps for lifting with precision.

If you've ever felt your elbows shifting away while lifting weights, you're not alone. The reason behind this common occurrence is that lifting weights is not just about pushing the weight upward but also involves pulling the weight toward you. The key to lifting a substantial load correctly is to initiate the push with your feet. To help you master this technique, I've outlined three crucial steps. Step one involves grabbing the bar and beginning to push it down against the floor using your feet. Pay close attention to the weight you're lifting during this phase. Is it significantly heavier than the load of three dumbbells, as I previously explained? Holding this position for about a minute allows you to feel how much of the weight is anchored into the floor.

man lifting a barbell

PERFECTING THE TECHNIQUE - Now, onto the second step: maintaining that position for approximately a minute. This is where you'll notice that you're not merely lifting the weight; you're pushing it away from your body using your feet. The act of lifting itself occurs in the next step. For the third step, you'll move your elbows upward, away from your body, while pushing the weight. In these three steps, the positions you'll find yourself in are pivotal. The second position focuses on lifting the weights with your elbows moving but without lifting the weight. You're primarily pushing it away from your body. This position requires you to sustain it for about a minute.


THE IMPORTANCE OF WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION - The crucial element here is to lift the weights using your feet and push the weight away from your body as much as you can with each foot. This balanced weight distribution is what differentiates lifting from mere pushing. By using your elbows to elevate the weight, you can gauge your progress. If the bar's weight has reached three times the weight of three dumbbells, you're effectively lifting the equivalent of those dumbbells. This technique can seem challenging, but it's essential to grasp this concept and hold onto it.


PUTTING THEORY INTO PRACTICE - Now, let's make this knowledge practical. You might be eager to put this weight lifting technique to the test.
Here's a step-by-step guide to help you do just that:
1. Begin by removing the bar from the rack.
2. Place the weight back onto the bar, ensuring it's secure.
3. Start pushing against the weight with your feet, implementing the three-step technique described above.


By following these steps, you can work on enhancing your weight lifting skills, ensuring a more efficient and effective workout. But don't forget to complement your weight lifting routine with the incredible benefits of the training jump rope, such as improved cardiovascular health, agility, and overall endurance. This combination of techniques will elevate your fitness journey and lead to remarkable results.
