Standing or sitting which one is better?

Standing is more challenging than sitting in terms of strength, mobility, and body balance.

If you cannot hold onto a chair for a long period, you feel dizzy and may bump into the seat with your back, especially on the heels. The lower back and heels should always be straight. The arms and torso should be on the same level. The weight should be distributed evenly.

standing woman

In the standing position you can breathe as you want, which is different than how you breathe during the sitting position. In the standing position you can breathe as you want, which is different than how you breathe during the sitting position. You feel a lot of pressure under the shoulder and lower back area: this is due to the lack of stability in the lower back. Standing time lasts longer than sitting time, so you can play games, talk on the phone, or watch TV or videos.

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The more you stand, the more you may get into a good mood. Some people prefer to stand for 30 seconds if they sit for longer. It is also much easier to jump rope in a standing position.